
TECH-320 series

  • Engines up to 8 cylinders supported
  • Cooperation with external Scanner TECH-OBD
  • Additional corrections of gas temperature, reducer pressure, gas pressure and engine rpm
  • Precise gas dose calculation based on built-in corrections
  • TECH and Standard tuning algorithm (innovative control algorithm with autocalibration and autoadaptation systems)
  • Self diagnosis of faults and defects
  • Full short circuit and overload protection
  • Compatible with Valvetronic and Rotary engines
  • 56-pin connector
  • Aluminum casing

The TECH-320 controllers are microprocessor based in aluminum casing with the traditional 56 pin wire-set. The TECH-300 controllers are designed for up to 8 cyl. engines although, the two controllers could be connected simultaneously to be used in 16 cyl. engines. The compact casing 190 x 125 x 30mm enables easy installation in hard to reach spaces.
The Standard TECH-324 version, consists of all above mentioned functions and protection guaranteeing excellent quality and performance. Auto-calibration and system settings should not take longer than 15 min. The advanced auto-adaptation system guarantees the trouble free installation performance by monitoring the system and, if necessary, correcting the gas injection times.
The TECH-326 and TECH-328 are suitable for up to 8 cylinder engines (depending on version).